Zenify Your Morning Routine

Recently I have finished reading The Miracle Morning. It is all about setting up a morning routine to start you day the right way. You can adapt your routine any way you want. Just do what works for you.

Here is what I like to do:

  • Drink water and a nice tea (getting hydrated is ultra important).
  • Meditate for 8 minutes
  • Review the 3 Most Important Tasks for the day. Keep them short. I consider my day successful as soon as they are done.
  • Stretching exercises.
  • Shower. While showering, I visualize what are my big picture objectives. What I really want to accomplish in my life. This help my focus on the right things. I find it helpful to think about it every day.

At the end of your routine you should feel calm, clear about your objectives and confident that your day will be a successful one.